If Qualifier is NMAT and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Accrued Interest Amount: Accrued interest amount does not match.
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
Disagreement Transaction Call Delay: Transaction call delay does not match.
Disagreement Charges Amount: Charges amount does not match.
Counterparty too Late for Matching: Counterparty's instruction was too late for matching.
Matching Instruction Not Found: A matching instruction from your counterparty could not be found.
Counterparty Cancelled Instruction: Counterparty cancelled their instruction.
Disagreement Cum Ex: Disagreement if trade was executed cum or ex.
Disagreement Settlement Date: Settlement date/time does not match.
Deal Price Not Match: Deal price does not match.
Disagreement Deal Amount: Deal amount does not match.
Disagreement Direction of Trade: Direction of the trade does not match. Counterparty expects a delivery from you, not a receipt or vice versa.
Disagreement Place of Settlement: Place of settlement does not match.
Disagreement Automatic Generation: Disagreement on automatic generation of market claim or transformation.
Disagreement Settlement Amount: Settlement amount does not match.
Disagreement Quantity: Quantity of financial instrument does not match.
Disagreement Security: Financial instrument identification does not match, for example, ISIN, financial instrument attributes differs...
Not Recognised: Counterparty has been contacted or contacted us, and does not recognise the transaction.
Disagreement Trade Date: Trade date does not match.
Disagreement Executing Broker's Commission: Executing broker's commission does not match.
Disagreement Forfeit Amount: Forfeit amount does not match.
Disagreement Payment Code: Payment type does not match: your instruction is free of payment, your counterparty's instruction is against payment or vice versa.
Incorrect Agent: Delivering or receiving agent (counterparty) does not match.
Disagreement Receiving or Delivering Custodian: Delivering or receiving custodian does not match.
Incorrect Buyer or Seller: Buyer (receiver) or seller (deliverer) does not match.
Disagreement Common Reference: Common reference does not match.
Disagreement Place of Safekeeping: The place of safekeeping information does not allow matching to take place.
Disagreement Investor Party: Investor party does not match.
Market Deadline Missed: Your instruction was too late for matching.
Disagreement Letter of Guarantee Indicator: Counterparty is for settlement through Letter of Guarantee (L/G), your instruction is not, or vice versa.
Matching Record Cancelled: Corresponding matching record has been cancelled.
Missing Market Side Details: Market side execution details are missing.
Narrative: Other details do not match. See narrative for details.
Disagreement Currency Settlement Amount: Settlement amount currency does not match.
No Matching Started: Matching process has not yet started.
Disagreement Physical Settlement: Counterparty's instruction is physical settlement, your instruction is not, or vice versa.
Disagreement Place of Trade: Place of trade does not match.
Disagreement Place of Listing: Place of listing does not match.
Possible Duplicate Instruction: Instruction has not been matched. It is a possible duplicate instruction.
Disagreement Registration Details: Registration details linked to the transaction are incorrect.
Disagreement Termination Transaction Amount: Termination transaction amount does not match.
Disagreement Repurchase Rate: Repurchase rate does not match.
Disagreement Premium Amount: Premium amount does not match.
Disagreement Repurchase Rate Type: Repurchase rate type does not match.
Disagreement RTGS System: Counterparty is for Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system, you are for non-RTGS or vice versa.
Disagreement Safekeeping Account: Safekeeping account used as matching criteria on the market concerned does not match. This includes Buyer/seller's account, direct client's account at the receiving/delivering agent, or receiving/delivering agent's account at the CSD.
Disagreement Settlement Transaction: Settlement transaction type does not match (relates to the settlement transaction type codes available for field :22F::SETR).
Disagreement Settlement System/Method: Settlement system/method does not match (for example, instruction is to settle using settlement system/method A. Counterparty expects settlement to occur using settlement system/method B).
Disagreement Closing Date/Time: Closing date/time does not match.
Disagreement Tax Status: Disagreement on the tax status of the financial instruments to be settled.
Unmatched Market Side Details: Market side trade is unmatched.
Disagreement Variable Rate Support: Variable rate support does not match (repo).
If Qualifier is PEND and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
Sent to Tax Authorities: Tax reclaim has been sent to the tax authorities.
Awaiting Money: Financial instruments are delivered, but still awaiting money from the counterparty.
Awaiting Securities from Counterparty: Financial instruments have not yet been received from the counterparty (if receive against payment trade), the money has been delivered.
Processing Batch Difference: Processing batch differs in the counterparty's instruction, for example, daytime/real-time versus overnight.
Beneficial Ownership Disagreement: Disagreement in beneficial ownership.
Account Blocked: Your account is blocked, no instruction can settle over the account.
Both Instructions on Hold: Counterparty's instruction and your instruction are on hold/frozen/in a preadvice mode.
Awaiting Securities: Awaiting financial instruments from a corporate action issue or other procedure, for example, conversion, dematerialisation, exchange, registration, stamping, splitting.
Conditional Delivery Awaiting Release: Instruction is in a hold/frozen/preadvice mode - infrastructure platform is awaiting release.
Wrong Certificate Numbers: Certificate number error.
Enquiry Sent: A chaser/enquiry has been sent.
Counterparty Insufficient Securities: Insufficient deliverable financial instruments in counterparty's account or counterparty does not hold financial instruments.
Clearing House Trade: Instructed settlement date does not agree with the settlement date on the Clearing House trade, that is, a specific type of trade in India.
Counterparty Insufficient Money: Insufficient money in counterparty's account.
Securities Pledged as Collateral: Financial instruments are not deliverable as they are pledged as collateral.
Confirmation Of Payment: Prior payment credited to account based contractual income collection agreement has been collected from issuer.
Counterparty In Receivership: Counterparty is in receivership (form of bankruptcy where a court appointed person, the receiver, manages the affairs of the business).
CSD Hold: Central securities depository has set the instruction in a hold/frozen/preadvice mode.
CSD Validation: Instruction is in a hold/frozen/preadvice mode as it fulfils predefined conditions of a restriction processing type in the market infrastructure platform.
Awaiting Next Settlement Cycle: Instruction is confirmed in the local market or is ready for settlement, awaiting next settlement cycle.
Unavailable Deliverable Denominated Quantity: Quantity instructed does not match the denomination available/deliverable. Physical financial instruments need to be obtained in deliverable denominated quantities.
Refused Deposit for Issue of Depositary Receipts: Deposit of shares for the issuing of depositary receipts has been refused. The allotment granted by the issuer is exceeded by your transaction.
Natural Disaster: Exceptional closing of all financial institutions due to natural disaster, for example, earthquake.
Counterparty Returned Shares: Counterparty has returned or refused the financial instruments.
Awaiting Documents/Registration Instruction/Endorsements from Counterparty: Awaiting documents, registration instruction or endorsements from counterparty.
Awaiting Documents/Registration Instruction/Endorsements from You: Awaiting documents, registration instruction or endorsements from you.
Disagreement on Quantity: Unrecognised or invalid instructed quantity.
Maximum Foreign Limit Reached: Insufficient deliverable financial instruments in your account as maximum foreign limit has been reached.
Securities Frozen At CSD: Financial instruments are blocked at the CSD following a corporate event.
Awaiting Settlement Date: Awaiting settlement date. No settlement problems to be reported.
Global Form Securities: Settlement cannot be executed; financial instruments are in global form.
Status Reason Investigation: Pending reason being investigated.
Incomplete Number Count: Not all the instructions part of a pool have been received.
Income Adjustment Required: Financial instruments require income adjustment, for example, dividend or interest.
Cancel Not Possible: Instruction has been processed and cannot be cancelled.
Awaiting Other Transaction: Awaiting settlement of a purchase to cover failing positions.
Lack of Securities: Insufficient financial instruments in your account.
Securities are Loaned Out: Financial instruments are out on loan.
Market Deadline Missed: Instruction was received after market deadline.
Pending Linked Instruction: Your instruction is pending settlement because the instruction linked to it is pending.
Insufficient Central Bank Liquidity: Central Bank Liquidity is insufficient.
Missing Certification: Awaiting receipt of adequate certification.
Minimum Settlement Quantity: Quantity instructed is lower than the minimum existing settlement quantity for the financial instrument.
Insufficient Money: Insufficient money in your account and/or credit line is insufficient.
Multiple Settlement Quantity: Quantity instructed is not a multiple of an existing settlement quantity lot for the financial instrument.
Narrative: See narrative field for reason.
Confirmation Not Received: Confirmation of settlement has not yet been received.
New Issues: Financial instrument is a new issue and not yet available/tradable.
No Matching Required: Instruction has not been matched; matching process is not required.
No Foreign Exchange Instruction: A foreign exchange instruction from you is missing.
No Payment: Payment has not been made by issuer.
Not Delivered: Financial instruments have not been delivered by the issuer.
Trade Settles in Partials: Trade will settle in partials.
Pending Receipt: The instruction is pending receipt of securities, for example, from a purchase, loan etc.
Physical Securities in Verification Process: Physical financial instruments have been received and are being checked for authenticity.
Physical Delivery Delay: Settlement is physical. Financial instruments are being delivered.
Counterparty Instruction on Hold: Counterparty's instruction is on hold/frozen/in a preadvice mode.
Your Instruction on Hold: Your instruction is on hold/frozen/in a preadvice mode.
On Hold by System: The transaction was put on hold by the system.
Not In Good Order: Delivery/receipt was refused because physical financial instruments are not in good order.
Instruction Refused/Not Recognised: Instruction has been refused or not recognised and is represented automatically.
Certificates Rejected: Certificates have been lodged with the registrar but rejected due to incomplete documentation or foreign ownership limitation reached.
Securities Blocked: Financial instruments are blocked due to a corporate action event, realignment, etc.
Lack of Stamp Duty Information: Stamp duty information is missing.
Settlement System/Method Modified: Settlement system/method has been modified at CSD to allow settlement.
Trade Amended in Market: Trade is being amended in the market.
Valid for Tax Authorities: For tax reclaim, the event is pending, the tax reclaim is valid for the tax authorities.
Collateral Shortage: Insufficient collateral in your account to execute the instruction.
If Qualifier is PENF and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
Awaiting Money: Financial instruments are delivered, but still awaiting money from the counterparty.
Awaiting Securities from Counterparty: Financial instruments have not yet been received from the counterparty (if receive against payment), the money has been delivered.
Processing Batch Difference: Processing batch differs in the counterparty's instruction, for example, daytime/real-time versus overnight.
Beneficial Ownership Disagreement: Disagreement in beneficial ownership.
Account Blocked: Your account is blocked, no instruction can settle over the account.
Both Instructions on Hold: Counterparty's instruction and your instruction are on hold/frozen/in a preadvice mode.
Buy-in Procedure: A buy-in procedure has started on the market (on your behalf if your instruction is a receipt, by the counterparty if your instruction is a delivery).
Awaiting Securities: Awaiting financial instruments from a corporate action issue or other procedure, for example, conversion, dematerialisation, exchange, registration, stamping, splitting.
Cancellation/Confirmation Request: A cancellation or confirmation of instruction is required.
Conditional Delivery Awaiting Release: Instruction is in a hold/frozen/preadvice mode - infrastructure platform is awaiting release.
Wrong Certificate Numbers: Certificate number error.
Enquiry Sent: A chaser/enquiry has been sent.
Counterparty Insufficient Securities: Insufficient deliverable financial instruments in counterparty's account or counterparty does not hold financial instruments.
Counterparty too Late for Settlement: Counterparty's instruction was too late for settlement (that is received too late, matching or settlement problems solved too late).
Clearing House Trade: Instructed Settlement date does not agree with the settlement date on the Clearing House trade that is a specific type of trade in India.
Counterparty Insufficient Money: Insufficient money in counterparty's account.
Securities Pledged as Collateral: Financial instruments are not deliverable as they are pledged as collateral.
Counterparty In Receivership: Counterparty is in receivership (form of bankruptcy where a court appointed person, the receiver, manages the affairs of the business).
CSD Hold: Central securities depository has set the instruction in a hold/frozen/preadvice mode.
CSD Validation: Instruction is in a hold/frozen/preadvice mode as it fulfils predefined conditions of a restriction processing type in the market infrastructure platform.
Awaiting Next Settlement Cycle: Instruction is confirmed in the local market or is ready for settlement, awaiting next settlement cycle.
Unavailable Deliverable Denominated Quantity: Quantity instructed does not match the denomination available/deliverable. Physical financial instruments need to be obtained in deliverable denominated quantities.
Refused Deposit for Issue of Depositary Receipts: Deposit of shares for the issuing of depositary receipts has been refused. The allotment granted by the issuer is exceeded by your transaction.
Natural Disaster: Exceptional closing of all financial institutions due to natural disaster, for example, typhoon, flooding, earthquake, hurricane.
Counterparty Returned Shares: Counterparty has returned or refused the financial instruments.
Awaiting Documents/Registration Instruction/Endorsements from Counterparty: Awaiting documents, registration instruction or endorsements from counterparty.
Awaiting Documents/Registration Instruction/Endorsements from You: Awaiting documents, registration instruction or endorsements from you.
Maximum Foreign Limit Reached: Insufficient deliverable financial instruments in your account as maximum foreign limit has been reached.
Securities Frozen At CSD: Financial instruments are blocked at the CSD following a corporate event.
Global Form Securities: Settlement cannot be executed; financial instruments are in global form.
Status Reason Investigation: Failing reason being investigated.
Incomplete Number Count: Not all the instructions part of a pool have been received.
Income Adjustment Required: Financial instruments require income adjustment, for example, dividend or interest.
Awaiting Other Transaction: Awaiting settlement of a purchase to cover failing positions.
Lack of Securities: Insufficient deliverable financial instruments in your account.
Securities are Loaned Out: Financial instruments are out on loan.
Market Deadline Missed: Your instruction is too late for settlement, for example, received too late, matching or settlement problems solved too late.
Pending Linked Instruction: A linked instruction is pending/failing.
Insufficient Central Bank Liquidity: Central Bank Liquidity is insufficient.
Minimum Settlement Quantity: Quantity instructed is lower than the minimum existing settlement quantity for the financial instrument.
Money/Securities too Late for Settlement: Covering money/financial instruments were received too late for completing settlement on a same day basis.
Insufficient Money: Insufficient money in your account and/or credit line is insufficient.
Multiple Settlement Quantity: Quantity instructed is not a multiple of an existing settlement quantity lot for the financial instrument.
Narrative: See narrative field for reason.
Confirmation Not Received: Confirmation of settlement has not yet been received.
New Issues: Financial instrument is a new issue and not yet available/tradable.
No Foreign Exchange Instruction: A foreign exchange instruction from you is missing.
Under Objection: Financial instruments are stolen, in dispute, under objection etc.
Trade Settles in Partials: Trade will settle in partials.
Physical Securities in Verification Process: Physical financial instruments have been received and are being checked for authenticity.
Physical Delivery Delay: Settlement is physical. Financial instruments are being delivered.
Counterparty Instruction on Hold: Counterparty's instruction is on hold/frozen/in a preadvice mode.
Your Instruction on Hold: Your instruction is on hold/frozen/in a preadvice mode.
On Hold by System: The transaction was put on hold by the system.
Not In Good Order: Delivery/receipt was refused because physical financial instruments are not in good order.
Certificates Rejected: Certificates have been lodged with the registrar but rejected due to incomplete documentation or foreign ownership limitation reached.
Securities Blocked: Financial instruments are blocked due to a corporate action event, realignment, etc.
Lack of Stamp Duty Information: Stamp duty information is missing.
Settlement System/Method Modified: Settlement system/method has been modified at CSD to allow settlement.
Confirmation Discrepancy: Discrepancy in the settlement confirmation.
Collateral Shortage: Insufficient collateral in your account to execute the instruction.
If Qualifier is REJT and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
Processing Batch Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid processing batch, that is, daytime/real-time while only possible to settle in overnight batch.
Business Partner Number Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid Business Partner Number.
Bank Reference Number Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid Bank Reference Number.
Type of Order Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid type of order.
Transaction Call Delay Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid transaction call delay.
Corporate Action Rejection: Corporate action pending on the financial instrument instructed.
Cancelled: Option is not valid; it has been cancelled by the market or service provider, and cannot be responded to. Any responses already processed against this option are considered void and new responses will be required.
Cash Account Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid cash account.
Impossible Cash Settlement System: Impossible standing arrangements override instruction for the cash settlement system.
Commercialisation Contract Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid commercialisation contract.
Concentration Limit Exceeded: Concentration limit was exceeded.
Unknown Deal/Exposure: Deal or exposure is unknown.
Address Details Rejection: Address details are incorrect or cannot be recognised.
Rejected Since Already Cancelled: Cancellation request was rejected since the instruction has already been cancelled.
Settlement Date Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid settlement date.
Deal Price Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid deal price.
Place of Settlement Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid Place of Settlement.
Disagree with Call Amount: Party A does not agree with the call amount.
Disagree with Exposure Amount: Party A does not agree with the exposure amount.
Settlement Amount Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid settlement amount.
Registration Request Data and Order Rejection: Disagreement between the data on the registration request and the order.
Rejected Since In Progress: Cancellation request has been rejected because the instruction process is in progress or has been processed.
Quantity Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid settlement quantity.
Security Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid financial instrument identification.
Trade Date Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid trade date.
Unrecognised Corporate Action Event Number: Unrecognised corporate action event number.
Fee/Commission Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid fee or commission.
Agent Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid receiving or delivering agent.
Insufficient Collateral: Insufficient collateral proposed.
Receiving or Delivering Custodian Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid receiving or delivering custodian.
Buyer or Seller Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid buyer or seller.
Common Reference Rejection: Unrecognised, invalid or missing Common Reference.
Place of Safekeeping Rejection: Unrecognised, invalid or missing Place of Safekeeping.
Instruction Irrevocable: The instruction is irrevocable.
Narrative Information Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid SLA agreed narrative information.
Inactive: Option is not active and can no longer be responded to. Any responses already processed against this option will remain valid, for example, expired option.
Invalid for Tax Authorities: For tax reclaim, the reclaim is invalid for the tax authorities.
Balance Rejection: Unrecognised, invalid or missing balance.
Investor Party Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid investor party. May be used by an executing party to reject an instruction for an investor (or portfolio) for which it is not authorised to act.
Link Rejection: Unrecognised, invalid or missing link.
Number Rejection: Unrecognised, invalid or missing lot/sub-balance number.
Lack of Securities: Instructed position exceeds the eligible balance.
Market Deadline Missed: Instruction was received after market deadline.
Minimum Settlement Quantity: Quantity instructed is lower than the minimum existing settlement quantity for the financial instrument.
Missing Legal Power: Missing legal power for transfer.
Multiple Settlement Quantity: Quantity instructed is not a multiple of an existing settlement quantity lot for the financial instrument.
Narrative Reason: See narrative field for reason.
Settlement Amount Currency Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid settlement amount currency.
Mismatch Option Number and Option Type: Mismatch between option number and option type.
No Match: Cancellation request has been rejected since more than one instruction match to the cancellation criteria.
Not Found: Cancellation request has been rejected since the instruction could not be found.
Unrecognised Option Number: Unrecognised option number.
Invalid Option Type: Invalid option type.
Type of Ownership Rejection: Type of ownership indicated is not correct.
Physical Settlement Impossible: Physical settlement is impossible for the instructed financial instrument.
Place of Trade Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid place of trade.
Place of Listing Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid place of listing. Used when the security identified is not listed on the market supplied.
Reference Rejection: Instruction has a reference identical to another previously received instruction.
Refused by the Tax Authorities: Reclaim is refused by the tax authorities.
Termination Transaction Amount Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid termination transaction amount.
Repurchase Rate Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid repurchase rate.
Premium Amount Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid premium amount.
Missing Registration Request: Registration request to be completed by the buyer and to be forwarded to the issuer is missing.
Wrong Registration Request: Registration request to be completed by the buyer and to be forwarded to the issuer is wrong. You have used the registration request of a different issuer/registrar.
Disagreement in registration reason: Registration reason indicated is not correct.
Impossible to use the RTGS system instructed: It is not possible to use the RTGS system instructed (NRTG or YRTG).
Safekeeping Account Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid message sender's safekeeping account.
Lack of Stamp Duty Information: Required stamp duty information is missing.
Settlement Transaction Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid settlement transaction type (relates to the settlement transaction type codes available for sequence E field 22F, qualifier SETR).
Settlement System/Method Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid settlement system/method instructed.
Shareholder Number Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid Shareholder Number.
Invalid Signature: Registration request does not have a valid signature of the owner of the financial instrument.
Not Stamped or Signed: Financial instrument has not been stamped and/or duly signed.
Missing Statutes: Missing statutes or commercial register or other legal documents.
Closing Date/Time Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid closing date/time.
Tax Status Rejection: Unrecognised or invalid tax status of the securities instructed.
Unknown: Linked reference is unknown.
Rule Rejection: Account servicer validation rule rejection.
If Qualifier is DEND and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Received after the account servicer's deadline.
Call Denied Since Already Applied: Repo call request was denied since another call already applies.
Denied Since Cancelled: Request was denied since the instruction has been cancelled.
Denied Since not Allowed: Repo call request was denied. Call not allowed on the concerned repo, for example, out of delay.
Denied Since in Progress: Request was denied because the process of settlement is in progress.
Denied Since Repo Ended: Request was denied because the repo was cancelled.
Denied Since Settled: Request was denied because the instruction was settled.
Instruction Processed: Instruction has been processed and cannot be cancelled.
Market Deadline Missed: Received after market deadline.
Narrative Reason: See narrative field for reason.
If Qualifier is CAND and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Cancelled By Yourselves: Instruction has been cancelled as per your request.
Cancelled by Another Party: Instruction has been cancelled by another party than the instructing party, for example market infrastructure such as a Stock Exchange.
Cancelled By System: Instruction has been cancelled by the settlement system.
Cancelled due to Transformation: Original instruction has been cancelled and replaced due to a Corporate Action.
Cancelled due to Split/Partial Settlement: Original instruction has been cancelled and replaced to allow a partial or split settlement.
Cancelled Due to Corporate Action: Instruction has been cancelled due to a corporate action.
Cancelled by Issuer/Registrar: Instruction has been cancelled by the issuer/registrar.
Cancelled By Agent: Instruction has been cancelled by the agent.
Cancelled By Third Party: Instruction has been cancelled by a third party.
Expired: Instruction has expired.
Narrative Reason: See narrative field for reason.
Securities No Longer Eligible: Instruction has been cancelled; the security no longer exists or is no longer eligible on the market instructed. For corporate action-related cancellation, CORP should be used.
If Qualifier is CANP and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
Conditional Delivery Cancellation Pending: Conditional Delivery is still pending awaiting the cancellation from at least another party.
Awaiting Confirmation: Awaiting confirmation of cancellation from the counterparty.
Disagreement on Quantity: Unrecognised or invalid instructed quantity.
Incomplete Number Count: Not all the instructions part of a pool have been received.
Narrative Reason: See narrative field for reason.
If Qualifier is MOPN and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Awaiting Confirmation: Awaiting confirmation of modification from the counterparty or the market.
Narrative Reason: See narrative field for reason.
If Qualifier is NAFI and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain the following code:
Signification du code
Not Affirmed: Counterparty has not affirmed.
If Qualifier is PACK and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
Market Deadline Missed: Instruction was received after market deadline.
Narrative Reason: See narrative field for reason.
Not STP: Instruction was not STP and had to be processed manually.
Accepted Without Voting Rights: Instruction registration is accepted but the registration is not in full, that is, not with voting rights.
Market Practice Rule Discrepancy: Instruction is accepted but does not comply with the market practice rule published for the concerned market or process.
If Qualifier is CACK and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
In Process: Repo call is in process.
Processed: Repo call is processed.
If Qualifier is REPR and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
Processing Batch Repair: Unrecognised or invalid processing batch, that is, daytime/real-time while only possible to settle in overnight batch.
Type of Order Repair: Unrecognised or invalid type of order.
Transaction Call Delay Repair: Unrecognised or invalid transaction call delay.
Corporate Action Repair: Corporate action pending on the financial instrument instructed.
Cash Account Repair: Unrecognised or invalid cash account.
Cash Settlement System Repair: Impossible standing arrangements override instruction for the cash settlement system.
Commercialisation Contract Repair: Unrecognised or invalid commercialisation contract.
Settlement Date Repair: Unrecognised or invalid settlement date (that is date is not a settlement date for the instructed market, settlement date is too old ...).
Deal Price Repair: Unrecognised or invalid deal price.
Place of Settlement Repair: Unrecognised or invalid Place of Settlement.
Settlement Amount Repair: Unrecognised or invalid settlement amount.
Quantity Repair: Unrecognised or invalid settlement quantity.
Security Repair: Unrecognised or invalid financial instrument identification (that is invalid ISIN, security not eligible at the instructed market ...).
Trade Date Repair: Unrecognised or invalid trade date.
Fee/Commission Repair: Unrecognised or invalid fee or commission.
Agent Repair: Unrecognised or invalid receiving or delivering agent.
Receiving or Delivering Custodian Repair: Unrecognised or invalid receiving or delivering custodian.
Buyer or Seller Repair: Unrecognised or invalid buyer or seller.
Common Reference Repair: Unrecognised, invalid or missing Common Reference.
Place of Safekeeping Repair: Unrecognised, invalid or missing Place of Safekeeping.
Narrative Information Repair: Unrecognised or invalid SLA agreed narrative information.
Minimum Settlement Quantity Repair: Quantity instructed is lower than the minimum existing settlement quantity for the financial instrument.
Multiple Settlement Quantity Repair: Quantity instructed is not a multiple of an existing settlement quantity lot for the financial instrument.
Narrative Reason: See narrative field for reason.
Settlement Amount Currency Repair: Unrecognised or invalid settlement amount currency.
No Match: Cancellation request is in repair since more than one instruction match to the cancellation criteria.
Not Found: Cancellation request is in repair since the instruction could not be found.
Physical Settlement Impossible: Physical settlement is impossible for the instructed financial instrument.
Place of Trade Repair: Unrecognised or invalid place of trade.
Reference Repair: Instruction has a reference identical to another previously received instruction.
Termination Transaction Amount Repair: Unrecognised or invalid termination transaction amount.
Repurchase Rate Repair: Unrecognised or invalid repurchase rate.
Premium Amount Repair: Unrecognised or invalid premium amount.
RTGS System Repair: Impossible to use the RTGS system instructed (NRTG or YRTG).
Safekeeping Account Repair: Unrecognised or invalid message sender's safekeeping account.
Lack of Stamp Duty Information: Required stamp duty information is missing.
Settlement Transaction Repair: Unrecognised or invalid settlement transaction type (relates to the settlement transaction type codes available for sequence E field 22F, qualifier SETR).
Settlement System/Method Repair: Unrecognised or invalid settlement system/method instructed.
Closing Date/Time Repair: Unrecognised or invalid closing date/time.
Tax Status Repair: Unrecognised or invalid tax status of the securities instructed.
Unknown: The message was not recognised - unknown linked reference.
If Qualifier is PPRC and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Account Servicer Deadline Missed: Instruction was received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
Account Blocked: Your account is blocked, no instruction can settle over the account.
Awaiting Securities: Awaiting securities from a corporate action issue or other procedure, for example, conversion, dematerialisation, exchange, registration, stamping, splitting.
Wrong Certificate Numbers: Certificate number error.
Securities Pledged as Collateral: Securities are not deliverable as they are pledged as collateral.
Unavailable Deliverable Denominated Quantity: Quantity instructed does not match the denomination available/deliverable. Physical securities need to be obtained in deliverable denominated quantities.
Awaiting Documents/Registration Instruction/Endorsements from You: Awaiting documents, registration instruction or endorsements from you.
Maximum Foreign Limit Reached: Insufficient deliverable financial instruments in your account as maximum foreign limit has been reached.
Global Form Securities: Settlement cannot be executed; financial instruments are in global form.
Lack of Securities: Insufficient financial instruments in your account.
Securities are Loaned Out: Financial instruments are out on loan.
Insufficient Central Bank Liquidity: Central Bank Liquidity is insufficient.
Minimum Settlement Quantity: Quantity instructed is lower than the minimum existing settlement quantity for the financial instrument.
Insufficient Money: Insufficient money in your account and/or credit line is insufficient.
Multiple Settlement Quantity: Quantity instructed is not a multiple of an existing settlement quantity lot for the financial instrument.
Narrative Reason: See narrative field for reason.
Next Process: Next Process is launched. No processing pending problems to be reported.
No Foreign Exchange Instruction: A foreign exchange instruction from you is missing.
Collateral Shortage: Insufficient collateral in your account to execute the instruction.
If Qualifier is CGEN and Data Source Scheme is not present, Reason Code must contain one of the following codes:
Signification du code
Market Claim: Transaction has been generated due to a market claim following a corporate action.
Collateral Management: Transaction has been generated for collateral management purposes.
Narrative Reason: See narrative field for reason.
Return of Refused Dump: Transaction has been generated to return a delivery previously instructed.
Split/Shaping: Transaction has been generated to enable settlement following a shortage of position.
Third Party: Transaction has been generated by a third party, for example, a central counterparty.
Transformation: Transaction has been generated due to transformation following a corporate action.