SWIFT ISO 20022 - Description de message - Securities Settlement Transaction Modification Request (sese.038.001)
This message is sent by an account owner to an account servicer.
The account owner will generally be:
- a central securities depository participant which has an account with a central securities depository or a market infrastructure
- an investment manager which has an account with a custodian acting as accounting and/or settlement agent.
It is used to request the modification of non core business data (matching or non-matching) information in a pending or settled instruction. It can also be used for the enrichment of an incomplete transaction.
The modification must only contain the data to be modified. The message may also be used to:
- re-send a message sent by the account owner to the account servicer,
- provide a third party with a copy of a message being sent by the account owner for information,
- re-send to a third party a copy of a message being sent by the account owner for information
using the relevant elements in the Business Application Header.