SWIFT ISO 20022 - Beschreibung der Nachricht - Agent CA Notification Advice (seev.009.001)
This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to a CSD to:
- Provide a CSD with the details of a corporate action along with the possible options available to the clients of that CSD; and
- to update a corporate action notification. A notification advice can be initially sent as a preliminary advice and subsequently replaced by another notification advice with updated information.
This message is used:
- to provide a CSD with the details of a corporate action along with the possible options available to the clients of that CSD. The information can be complete or incomplete.
- to update a corporate action notification advice. A notification advice can be initially sent as a preliminary advice and subsequently replaced by another notification advice with updated information. As per SMPG recommendation, all the information should be provided in the update, not only updated information.
An Agent Corporate Action Notification Status Advice is sent in reply to the Agent Corporate Action Notification Advice.
Note: The amendment of a corporate action notification is done through a replacement mechanism in line with both the ISO 15022 messages used in the flow between the CSD and its clients, and the ISO 20022 proxy voting messages.