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2-Year US Treasury Note Future [TU, CBOT] - Financial definition

Country :   United States of America

Concise definition of the term 2-Year US Treasury Note Future [TU, CBOT]

Interest rate futures contract on a notional short-term US Treasury note (T-note) with a remaining term comprised between 1.75 and 2.25 years and a nominal coupon of 6%. US T-note futures are listed on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT).

Comprehensive definition of the term 2-Year US Treasury Note Future [TU, CBOT]

Thanks to its listing on both CBOT's floor and the electronic CME Globex platform, this contract is, like the other US bond futures, tradable almost 24 hours a day.

Contract specifications

Market code Floor: TU1
CME Globex: ZT1
Currency USD
Trading hours Floor: Monday to Friday 7.20h - 14h CST
CME Globex: Sunday to Friday 17h - 16h CST
Note: Quoting ends at 12.01h on the contract's last trading day.
Contract value 200 000 USD
Quoting method Price in percentage of nominal, with fractional notation :
109-16 represents 109 16/32,
109-162 represents 109 16.25/32
109-165 represents 109 16.5/32
109-167 represents 109 16.75/32.
Minimum price change (tick) ¼ of 1/32nd of a percentage point
Tick value 15.625 USD
Nominal coupon rate 6.000%
Contract months The first five consecutive contracts in the March, June, September, and December quarterly cycle.
Last trading day Last business day of the calendar month. Trading in expiring contracts closes at 12:01 p.m. on the last trading day.
Last delivery day Third business day following the last trading day.
Physical delivery U.S. Treasury notes with an original term to maturity of not more than five years and three months and a remaining term to maturity of not less than one year and nine months from the first day of the delivery month and a remaining term to maturity of not more than two years from the last day of the delivery month.
1These codes are completed with two characters representing the given contract's delivery month: a letter to designate the month (H = March, M = June, U = September, Z = December), and one digit to designate the year (for example 3 for 2013). The September 2013 2-year US T-note future contract would hence have the Reuters code TUU3.

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