Accrual note - Financial definition
Concise definition of the term accrual note
An accrual note is a bond that accrues interest only on days on which an index rate (e.g. a LIBOR rate) remains within a certain range, or fixes either beneath or below a certain level.
Comprehensive definition of the term accrual note
With accrual notes, coupon rates are often calculated with some formula.
9.70% x N/D
where N is the number of calendar days in the accrual period where 6m USD LIBOR fixes at or below the Upper Accrual Barrier
and D is the number of calendar days in the accrual period
9.70% x N/D
where N is the number of calendar days in the accrual period where 6m USD LIBOR fixes at or below the Upper Accrual Barrier
and D is the number of calendar days in the accrual period
The Upper Accrual Barrier would then be a fixed interest rate which evolves during the lifetime of the note.