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Index fund - Financial definition

Translations:      FR  fonds indiciel (n.m.)     ES  fondo indexado (n.m.) , fondo índice (n.m.)     DE  Indexfonds (n.m.) 

Concise definition of the term index fund

An index fund is a mutual or exchange-traded fund the objective of which is to replicate the composition and performance of a reference index as closely as possible.

Comprehensive definition of the term index fund

The objective of index funds is to match the performance of the indexes they track, which they generally manage to achieve. Index funds are so-called passive funds, which means that the fund manager does not actively make any investment decisions, but only replicates adjustments which become necessary as the composition of the index changes. Therefore, index funds are generally charging much lower fees than actively managed funds.
The major inconvenient of index funds is that they are bound to follow their reference index, whatever the performance perspectives are, and cannot deviate from this, even if other assets are likely to perform better.

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