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Real interest rate - Financial definition

Translations:      FR  taux d'intérêt réel (n.m.)     ES  tipo de interés real (n.m.)     DE  Realzins (n.m.) , Realzinssatz (n.m.) 

Concise definition of the term real interest rate

The real interest rate is the nominal interest rate from which the effect of inflation has been discounted.

Comprehensive definition of the term real interest rate

It is calculated as follows:
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Calculation example:
If the nominal interest rate for a 1-year investment (inom) is 5.00%, and the expected inflation rate (restinf) for that year is 1.50%, the real interest rate would be :
( (1 + 0.05) / (1 + 0.015) ) - 1 = 3.4483%.

Additional information related to this definition

Formula related to this definition

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