Inflation index reference for a given date formula
Description of the Inflation index reference for a given date formula
Formula for the calculation of the inflation index reference for a given date
\[ IPC_{v} = IPC_{m-3} + \frac {j_{v}+1}{J_{m}} \cdot ( IPC_{m-2}-IPC_{m-3} ) \ \]
\(IPC_{m-2}\ \)
CPI of month m-2
\(IPC_{m-3}\ \)
CPI of month m-3
\(J_{m}\ \)
Number of days in month m
\(j_{v}\ \)
Day number of the value date (e.g. 5 if value date is July 5th)
Additional information related to this formula
Related definitions from the glossary of financial terms
Bond • Obligations Assimilables du Trésor indexées sur l'inflation