SWIFT ISO 20022 - Message description - FI To FI Customer Direct Debit (pacs.003.001)
The FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionCustomerDirectDebit message is sent by the creditor agent to the debtor agent, directly or through other agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement system.
It is used to collect funds from a debtor account for a creditor.
The FItoFICustomerDirectDebit message can contain one or more customer direct debit instructions.
The FItoFICustomerDirectDebit message does not allow for grouping.
The FItoFICustomerDirectDebit message may or may not contain mandate related information, that is extracts from a mandate, such as the MandateIdentification or DateOfSignature.
The FItoFICustomerDirectDebit message must not be considered as a mandate.
The FItoFICustomerDirectDebit message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.