SWIFT ISO 20022 - Message description - Agent CA Election Status Advice (seev.015.001)
This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to the CSD to report the status, or a change in status, of:
- a corporate action election advice;
- an election cancellation request; or
- an election amendment request.
This message must be sent in response to an:
- Agent Corporation Action Election Advice to provide the status of an election advice in the case of a rejection. However, it may also be used in all other situations, in which case, the building blocks Election Advice Identification and the Election Advice Status must be present.
- AgentCAElectionCancellationRequest to provide the status of the cancellation request, in which case, the building blocks Election Cancellation Request Identification and the Election Cancellation Request Status must be present.
- AgentCAElectionAmendmentRequest to provide the status of the amendment request, in which case, the building blocks Election Amendment Request Identification and the Election Amendment Request Status must be present.
XML tag