SWIFT ISO 20022 - Message description - Securities Settlement Transaction Allegement Report 002 (semt.019.002)
An account servicer sends a SecuritiesSettlementTransactionAllegementReport to an account owner to provide, at a specified time, the status and details of pending settlement allegements, for all or selected securities in a specified safekeeping account.
The account servicer/owner relationship may be:
- a central securities depository or another settlement market infrastructure acting on behalf of their participants
- an agent (sub-custodian) acting on behalf of their global custodian customer, or
- a custodian acting on behalf of an investment management institution or a broker/dealer.
The message may also be used to:
- re-send a message previously sent,
- provide a third party with a copy of a message for information,
- re-send to a third party a copy of a message for information using the relevant elements in the Business Application Header.
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