SWIFT ISO 20022 - Message description - Securities Settlement Conditions Modification Request (sese.030.001)
An account owner sends a SecuritiesSettlementConditionsModificationRequest to an account servicer to request the modification of a processing indicator or another non-matching information.
The account owner/servicer relationship may be:
- a central securities depository participant which has an account with a central securities depository.
It could also be, if agreed in a service level agreement:
- a global custodian which has an account with its local agent (sub-custodian), or
- an investment management institution which manage a fund account opened at a custodian, or
- a broker which has an account with a custodian, or
- a central securities depository which has an account with a custodian, another central securities depository or another settlement market infrastructure.
The message may also be used to:
- re-send a message previously sent,
- provide a third party with a copy of a message for information,
- re-send to a third party a copy of a message for information using the relevant elements in the Business Application Header.
In markets where this applies (for example, securities market infrastructures with no pre-settlement matching process), it is used by a party to approve, cancel or reject a transaction instructed by the counterparty.
This message cannot be used to request the modification of trade or event details. The use of AdditionalInformation and its fields must be pre-agreed between account servicer and account owner. The fields in that sequence cannot be used to amend a trade or event detail unless authorised by country market practice.XML tag