Classification of Financial Instuments codes (CFI) - ISO norm 10962:2021
Category E - Equity
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Financial instruments representing an ownership interest in an entity or pool of assets.
Scheme : E-✱-✱-✱-✱-✱
Groups for this category:
Category C - Collective investment vehicles
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Securities representing a portion of assets pooled by investors run by a management company whose share capital remains separate from such assets and includes issues of shares or units in the form of, for example, a unit trust, mutual fund, OICVM, OPCVM, SICAV or SICAF.
Scheme : C-✱-✱-✱-✱-✱
Groups for this category:
Category D - Debt instruments
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Financial instruments evidencing monies owed by the issuer to the holder on terms as specified.
Scheme : D-✱-✱-✱-✱-✱
Groups for this category:
Category R - Entitlements (rights)
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Financial instruments providing the holder with the privilege to subscribe to or receive specific assets on terms specified.
Scheme : R-✱-✱-✱-✱-✱
Groups for this category:
Category O - Listed options
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
This Category classifies listed options, which are contracts that grant to the holder either the privilege to purchase or the privilege to sell the assets specified at a predetermined price or formula at or within a time in the future. Where a listed option cannot be classified within this Category, refer to non-listed and complex listed options.
Scheme : O-✱-✱-✱-✱-✱
Groups for this category:
Category F - Futures
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Contracts, listed on an exchange or regulated market, which obligate the buyer to receive and the seller to deliver in the future the assets specified at an agreed price. This includes forwards on regulated markets.
Scheme : F-✱-✱-✱-✱-X
Groups for this category:
Category S - Swaps
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
A swap is an agreement or contract where two counterparties agree to exchange periodic streams of cash flows with each other. Swaps can be executed with a variety of asset classes, as listed below.
Scheme : S-✱-✱-✱-✱-✱
Groups for this category:
Category H - Non-listed and complex listed options
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
This Category includes OTC or unlisted options and also includes any listed option which is not captured by the listed options Category. An option grants the holder either the privilege to purchase or the privilege to sell the assets specified at a predetermined price or formula at or within a time in the future.
Scheme : H-✱-✱-✱-✱-✱
Groups for this category:
Category I - Spot
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Contracts conducted on the spot market which are bought and sold for cash with immediate delivery based on market convention for the asset.
Scheme : I-✱-✱-X-X-✱
Groups for this category:
Category J - Forwards
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Contracts, which are not exchange traded or listed, entered between two parties to buy or sell the underlying asset at a specified future date at the price specified at the outset of the contract.
Scheme : J-✱-✱-X-✱-✱
Groups for this category:
Category K - Strategies
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
This subclause defines a classification of derivative strategies. Strategies are the simultaneous trading of two or more derivative instruments.
Scheme : K-✱-X-X-X-X
Groups for this category:
Category L - Financing
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Financing is a collateralized loan agreement entered into between two parties where one party, the lender, lends (temporarily) the underlying asset which is secured with cash or other acceptable collateral (securities or other assets) provided by the borrower. Depending on the exact type of financing transaction, a simultaneous agreement to reverse the agreement may be entered into at the same time with an agreed-upon future date for the reverse transaction to take place.
Scheme : L-✱-✱-✱-X-✱
Groups for this category:
Category T - Referential instruments
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Indicators that are used as a reference for other financial instruments.
Scheme : T-✱-✱-✱-✱-X
Groups for this category:
Category M - Others (miscellaneous)
Specification of this category after ISO 10962:2021
Financial instruments that do not fit the above categories as defined.
Scheme : M-✱-✱-✱-X-✱
Groups for this category: